Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I have left Livejournal

As the title above states, I have left livejournal and brought everything over to blogger. For various reasons really but mostly because blogger is easier to edit and manage and I already have my art blog here. This blog will be my ramblings about my general life and while it will have updates on my art it will not be centered around that. This will also contain my point of view on books, movies, comic, life, and other general stuff.

That being said for any who read this welcome.
2010-02-03 07:23:38

well lets see, i've graduated, and have spent that last month or so in that sorta bliss were you are too burnt out to work and just want to relax. now that is over i have updated my gallery and will soon update my website. www.michelleroach.com , www.hybridfaerie.deviantart.com, hybridfaerie.daportfolio.com/ i'll update this later good night...
2009-08-07 02:34:15
I've Updated my gallery <a href="http://hybridfaerie.deviantart.com/">hybridfaerie.deviantart.com/</a> It has lots of new pictures up and is all snazzy. Had to have the brakes and such done on my car today, cost me a pretty good size bundle too.....but i'm going to use that as incentive to try and find a part time job that has better hours then what i've gotten at the school i work at. in other news i had a really good corn chipotle bisque soup....it was spicy but not overly spicy. it also rained really well today, right as i was picking my car up from the brakes people.  i have so much to do and so little time, but i hope cross fingers that i'll be able to get a website up by the 16th.....hopefully
2009-07-05 03:36:02
So disney was great but the highlight of my trip was star wars weekend. I had never been and while i have been a fan of the movies, the past year or so i have really got into the whole universe and such reading comics and books. {the new jedi order made me cry with the chewy story line]. I wasn't able to get any of the fast past tickets to see the actors or go to the q&a with them later on but i still enjoyed it and i got photos with all my favorite sith guys [couldn't find obi-wan]. I also spent a small fortune in the tusken traders shop after we rode the star wars ride at the holywood studios. my obi-wan lightsaber rocks. I really want to go back next year, but that will have to be something I will have to pay for and trips to disney can be very expensive. I wish that i had bought a vader saber and a jedi cloak too but i couldn't be spending that much money. Other than starwars disney was fun and the food was great but the weather was really odd. We were rained out for the first three days, and then it was sweltering heat on the fourth, and rainy one our last day. It rained so bad at holywood studios one night that the drain covers were actually popping up and down in the flooded streets.www.flickr.com/photos/hybridfaerie has photos from my trip

2009-07-22 00:51:19
It started to lighting and thunder last night and then the sky opened up and let the hail fall. And were not talking normal size hail for colorado like little balls, were talking almost golf ball size and gale force winds. It ripped tree limbs and leaves, covering our yards in debris. It also managed to destroy my garden, i think the only thing that will be saved are my herbs and such. which is very sad for me considering i had tomatoes, spagetti squash, strawberries, onions, bell peppers, okra, raddish, corn, and my herbs [spearmint, basil, dill, rosemarry and sage].

i couldn't clean all that up until i had finished cleaning the carpets and my mom's room at the school we work at. The place that they moved her was flooded and the carpets were soaked with standing water, all her furniture and books got wet, and some of her classroom materials were ruined.

So basically i cleaned carpets, moved furniture, and then proceded to rake both front and back yards and pack up at least 18 bags of leaves. i'm tired and tomarrow i get to take the kids from my work to the pool...blalalshshshgghgh.
2009-05-21 04:15:02
i'll be going on a trip to walt disney world and wont be back until next tuesday. As i sit and type this i'm actually trying to hold a panic attach at bay. i think its because everything has been going on all at once and i really haven't had a chance to breath or relax much. Summer classes have started up, my mother recently graduated from red rocks, my sister just graduated form a-west. their has been a lot of changes at work with more to come, and havn't gotten the feeling of pressure off of me yet.....i'm sure i'll have an anxiety attack before we leave for the airport and i'll freak out before take-off and landing. And then theirs all the stuff my parents have planned.

should not have had qudoba for dinner, the heart burn is killing me.....

i keep saying a little mantra in my head 'you've been to disney world, you dont have to ride anything you dont want to, you can do this and you will do this' it seems to be helping. of course it wont be any better when i get down their but i'll let my parents know so that they can keep an eye on me, and i can go back to the hotel room when ever i want, so i'm hoping all will be good.

when i get back i plan on updating my gallery and then doing nothing for awhile because i know i'll need a breather.

if this is how i'm acting now i dont want to know what i'll be like around graduation.
2009-04-12 16:50:57
its been a very productive week for me. I've gotten a bunch of work done not only for finals but for other things as well. I finished my pirate painting for Dave, and i'm almost done with my santa painting which means 2 down 2 to go. I'm also very near to finishing my frog prince stuff. All that will be left it finishing my website mock up and my landscape paintings and then i'll be ready for finals. got to go peel potatoes for family i dont want to be around so that i can finish my paintings....happy easter

2009-04-13 16:36:18
Well, lets see I have my website for my webclass done. Now i just need to find a host and domain site for it. I'm done with the dummy book for my childrens illustration class and 90% done on the final illustration. life painting i have 2 paintings to finish, one is 75% done and the other is 50% done. i'm hoping to finish them by wednesday morning. And then landscape painting i need to fix some things on my fangorn painting, and then i cans start on my final painting which i'm gonna use one of my red rocks pictures for...perhaps make that a tattooine painting? And then i'll be done and i might actually go to bed before midnight on thursday night if all goes well.

Easter was ok, family was loud and i ended up moving all my art supplies to the garage to work so that my nephews wouldn't get in the way. After i get all my school stuff out of the way i plan on doing a bunch of personal art and if i can rig it some commision work. Dad wants another santa painting but this is one of a fellow santa that teaches a santa school. He wants it as a thank you gift. I also need to clean out my room majorly and get ready to move this art holder furniture thingy that i'm getting from my work once school is out for summer. And then the house could use some cleaning so....i'm gonna be busy until summer classes start. but such is life

2009-04-13 18:55:31
I forgot to mention that i have created another blog specifically for my web class. <a href="http://hybridfaerie.blogspot.com/">hybridfaerie.blogspot.com/</a><br />
2009-03-02 00:56:56
I posted a new painting on my deviant account. http://hybridfaerie.deviantart.com/art/Santa-Underpainting-114579419 hybridfaerie.deviantart.com/art/Santa-Underpainting-114579419</a>. my father works as a santa and I had this project to do for my class, so i did a portrait of him. I'll be going over it in oils pretty soon, so i'll have the color version posted hopefully by next sunday. I also have a fangorn landscape in the works with a treebeard study i want to post soon. And then their is the frog prince book dummy that i'll be working on for my childrens illustration class. but for now i'm content to sit on the couch adn watch the lord of the rings and i'll probably have to go up and help my mom with dinner because she can some how freeze in a house thats 74 degreees...

2009-03-05 03:20:30
i'm not sure how i should feel right now. I turned in 7 different pieces for the student show last week. I found out yesterday that only one piece got into the show, and its a piece i really had no opinion on. Its a pastel portrait and i dont particularly like it. So, all that i gain from this is that the artwork that i dont like, or things i dont like to do will be what people like or want. So if anyone else runs into this or has had this happened please tell e what you've done to get over this particular set back....And yes it is a setback because for me, this means i will be doing art in styles and such i just dont want to do....And i think what hurts the most is that my pen and ink, and a watercolor piece i created did not make it in. I've been interested into doing comics for a couple years and i know i'm still a novice but man, that has set me back a bit. I'm not sure i want do anymore art this week for my classes...in fact i'm really tempted to stay home and do my own artwork and not worry about my school work, because obviously what i do for school will only bring me somewhere in a 1 and 7 art piece.

Also when i got to work today my front liscense plate was on securley and when i left work the right side had been broken off so it hung at an odd angle. in other words one of the parents parked in such a way they broke my liscense plate holder which makes me really mad because they didn't bother to leave a note or stop and come back in and say hey. I had to tape it to my front bumper and drive home on back roads just to insure it wouldn't fall all the way off.

and i'm gonna hafta go bra shopping soon because all of mine have decided to break....

I'll type later, right now i know i'm heading into one of my moods and sleep is my best option.
2009-02-20 18:42:47
I woke up an hour and 30 min late, and also managed to be that late for my landscape painting class. I slammed my middle finger in a door and know its a little swollen and the nail is a little purple. I feel as if i'm gonna fall asleep in class or at work. All i want to do is go home curl up with some tea, draw what i want to draw and not what my classes need me to draw, and watch a couple movies. Ohh and I will be giving an essay for my schools memorial scholarhsip, orally, to a group of people decieding if i'm worthy enough for such a thing..

can i go back to bed or is that to much to ask? Of course this whole week has just been tiring and i'm finding that the enthusiasm that I had for art projects on tuesday has dwindled down to nothing....

take for instance, the project for my landscape painting class. We can do any landscape we want and add stuff to it and make it awsome....I have no fricking clue as to what i'm gonna due for it becuase I dont want to paint today

And can i just point out that artists have the shortest lifespane, and all becuase our supplies are made with stuff that will kill and destroy without a secod glance, damn you cadmiums....

this rant is over please enjoy you life and ignore this.
2009-01-02 00:13:14
Some resolutions and such that i am making for this year.
1] lose at least 20 pounds
2] draw a weekly comic and if it turns out well start publishing it
3] start drawing mabh pages, ink them, and color them
4] draw/paint/clay somthing everyday
5] start selling prints and such
6] do commisions
7] organize life so it will be lived better.
8] update journal every day

hopefully these will be the ones that stick because these are the ones i want.

2009-01-03 05:19:40
so i spent almost $200.00 on school supplies and i still hafta find a french easel

and i'm really tired but i still have 1/2 of my room cleaned and organized....which will be left for tomarrow.....

2009-01-08 04:05:31
school got in the way.....went to a highlighter party on sunday which was beyond cool, and a great chance to hang out with people from my school. mondays class was with the teacher from my earlier post, so not a very god monday. our school cant seem to keep nero up or the wireless internet running. tuesdays class was great because paul is frickein hilarious and it will teach me a lot about children illustration. no class today but i still had to ship my sister around a whole lot. my mothers birthday is tomarrow so i'm gonna get everything ready to put in a crock pot for tomarrow evening. i also have class tomarrow and on friday. they are both oil painting classes so i'm not sure how they will turn out so it should be interesting. But i better go so that i can get everything ready and get to bed for some much needed rest.

2009-01-19 20:36:40
I think that today is just an odd day, my school never gives us this day off from class, and i really just wanna go home and draw my dog cody. The teacher who shall not be named has slowed our class down to almost the point of ice. the way things have been going though is pretty good. all my classes are mostly enjoyable, and i've spent a fortune in them. I have some paintings that i need to take photos off, but i've been lazy and not wanting to do anything and i really just need to light a fire under my ass and get things done.
2008-12-11 04:03:21
wow. I had no idea I still had a live journal account. and look its only been almost 4 or 5 years since i've been on here. so, what have I been up to? well, lets see i graduated from highschool, found a job working at a childcare facility, and went to community college for 2 years. traded up to a four year college and thats that.

I still work the kids daycare, but i'm also starting to do freelance illustration, and i'm a full-time student at RMCAD. I'll be keeping this up and posting whats been going on in my life, when i have artwork for sale, or whats generally bothering me.

be afraid, be really afraid, in fact i would stay home a lock all doors -Faerie

2008-12-13 05:27:58
bugger all and damn it all to hell....

sorry but today wasn't really my day. first of all i got 7 hours of sleep after having no sleep for almost 40 hours. all of this is due to trying to complete my final for my computer illustration teacher. i was late to class becuase i slept through my very loud alarm and nobody bothered to wake me up, and all of this prevented me to review the class and the teacher. See the thing about this teacher is that she doesn't know how to teach or how to connect with the students. Also she doesn't give clear directions and i learned nothing from her. any progress that i have made in the class is due to spending hours, i mean hours with photoshop, classmate, and online tutorials out the ying yang. if she gives me less than a b minus i swear you'll hear my scream in orlando.

other than that my finals went very well and i'm kinda looking forward to my portfolio review next tuesday. i'm also looking forward to having free time to finish my artwork, take commissions, and to play video games. i'm also gonna finish my script for a comic i've been tinkering around with and maybe starting a weekly or bi-weekly comic about the stuff going on in my life.

2008-12-16 17:54:50
I have my portfolio review today so wish me luck. and lets hope the teacher from my previous entry is not asked back to teach another class. I'll give details of the review later.

2008-12-31 22:37:32
well the review went ok. i got a lot of advice particulary when it comes to the scene and such...they liked my color and think is should start doing more still life work. in other words setting up the scene before i draw it. As for everything else that has gone in my life,

x-mas was interesting, becuase i wasn't really expecting much. and i got a bunch of movies some illustration books, and da da ddda aaa a batman hoodie which i have wanted for years now and i finally have. what was hard about the dammn holiday is all the expectations and the factor that their is now communication between the members of my family.

right now my mother and i are having a little tiff becuase she would like to get me a new coat [my addidas coat is from middle school and i'm 22 now] i found a coat today but she claims that it was a jacket. explain the difference to me please. I would rather get a new bookcase to replace the desk in my room that came with the house, that way i can get rid of the desk and the two shelf bookcase that i have now. i get a bigger 4 to 5 shelf case and then an actual artist desk, something to hold all my pictures and art supplies would be nice and then for my birthday maybe i could get an artist easel. that way i would never have to leave my room except for food and all my art stuff wouldn't be spread all over the house.
2004-04-22 18:45:35
Dont you just love senior year in high school. You wish you could ditch every day but can't because of your grades. 3 weeks before you graduate your teachers are pilling on projects you can't keep up with. And on top of that your looking for a job in your area which has none except for...shiver... fast food.

2004-04-27 14:55:10
dont you just love it when you have no life....or that your so busy you dont realize you have one.  What's the best way to get a job??? apparantly i dont have what it takes to work any were. mabye i'll right a book about this and then come back years later and laugh at how stupid i can be. my younger sisters birthday is coming up. ohh joy for the younger child that recieves most of the attention. trust me i would rather have it this they because if any one paid attention to me i wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff that i do. i wouldnt be able to hang out with my friends on the weekend until about morning. prom is coming up at are school and all the preppy people have begun to spend at least $1,000 on the whole evening. shows you what type of a school i go to huh. must go to find that missing life.-Misha