Monday, May 9, 2011

CAI show or what happend 5/6/2011

So if you read my other blog which focus's on art you will know that i have done and entered an art show in Downtown Denver for the Colorado alliance of Illustrators.  I have two pieces in their and so far so good. would love to sell them so if your interested drop me a line.

So last friday 5/6/2011 myself and my family went to the opening night which also happens to be the first friday art walk. I showed up and got to check out the other amazing art work that was produced by the other amazing artists. I dropped off the last of my business cards and chatted with a few people. Then we walked around santa fe checking out a few of the galleries. After a while it was decided that food needed to be had so we headed back to leave. I checked in one final time and thats when I began to notice cop cars showing up and cops finding spots on the street.

That is a definte WTF moment, which caused my mother and I to look around to see what was going on. Over the blare of traffic and the police helicopter that showed up I was able to see that heading down the street in our direction was a large mass of people with banners and such. Apparantly a local cop made a mistake and an innocent man lost his life. These people were protesting it, and were coming down Santa Fe on first friday to do it.

It explains the cops and all that was begining to take place. I let some of the other CAI people know that the cops had shown up and a protest march was taking place and then I proceeded to head to the car with my family. I managed to get one shot of them:
yes its hard to see them.

After we got in the car we had to wait for them and their expletive slogans to pass and we took off for dinner. Had dinner at ted's montana and found that the one in belmar is not as well managed as the one in denver.

On the way home to cap off our evening their was an accident at colfax and kipling. that haddn't yet moved the body from the intersection just had it covered by a blanket.